Sonshine Education Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit corporation whose purpose is to 1) educate the public especially children and young adults about life skills necessary for 21st century academic and occupational success, 2) provide funding in the form of scholarships and grants to students enrolled or planning to enroll in post-secondary education, and 3) provide educational, spiritual, and emotional supports for students of all ages.
SEF was founded in 2019 though its first year in business is 2022. The founding members are Ms. Charity Winburn (President), Mrs. Teresa James, Ms. Charlene Vinegar, and Mrs. Anna P. Matthews.
2022 Goals.
Partner with high schools to collect and disperse school supplies.
Plan school year 2022 -2023 outreach with high school partners.
Develop "High School Bootcamp" curriculum for summer camp 2023.
About the President.
Charity Winburn is an instructor at the University of Cincinnati where she is pursuing her PhD in Education with a focus in Curriculum Studies. Prior to her current position, she taught high school biology for five years and served as science department head. She is passionate about supporting students as they work towards their goals for the future.